Creating the basic conditions for multimodal mobility services

More and more people prefer using means of transport to owning them. Multimodal mobility services link the offerings of public transport, pedestrian and cycle traffic, car sharing, taxis and other new mobility offerings. The objective is to provide seamless multimodal mobility services from A to B which are available to users. The Confederation is creating the basic conditions for multimodal mobility services with the aim of exploiting the opportunities and minimising the associated risks. The following activities are included: - Development of an action plan for the provision of the necessary mobility data with due consideration to data security; - Development of basic conditions for open marketing of mobility services; - Development of a consultation proposal to establish the legal basis for opening up public transport to third parties; - Clarifying the basic conditions for the publication of the Confederation's available transport information in real time; - Ensuring an international exchange relating to automated and networked driving.


Start 2018
End 2025


Federal Office of Transport


Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications


Federal Office for Spatial Development
Federal Office of Communications
Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Federal Office of Topography
Federal Roads Office
Federal Office of Civil Aviation


Mobility in Switzerland is intelligent, networked and efficient in all areas



Public authorities promote and operate reliable and resilient physical and digital infrastructure.