Launch of a dialogue platform on digitalisation in energy

In order to support progressive digitalisation in the energy industry and to overcome obstacles, knowledge transfer regarding various topics across a multiplicity of interests groups is essential. To this end, a platform is to be created on which selected subjects of particular significance can be addressed in greater depth with the most important interest groups. Knowledge transfer should proceed in parallel with early detection of any barriers and of the need for action. It is also intended to contribute to recognising possibilities for pilot and demonstration projects. In the medium term this will result in further development of the electricity sector.


Start 2020
End 2027


Swiss Federal Office of Energy


Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications


Swiss Telecommunications Association
Consumer Organisations
Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne


The energy supply system is efficient, secure and reliable



Public authorities promote and operate reliable and resilient physical as well as digital infrastructures.

*OGD: Updated in May of the reporting year, adjusted for double counts.