National Data Infrastructure and Electromobility

An important success factor for the spread of electric cars and for increasing efficiency in transport is the availability of public charging stations. On behalf of the Federal Council, the Federal Administration is therefore assuming a coordinating role. The SFOE has set up a non-discriminatory national data infrastructure for electromobility (DIEMO), which is available as Open Data at (swisstopo's federal geodata infrastructure). The availability of charging stations is indicated by real-time data. Additional providers of public charging stations are being connected to DIEMO on an ongoing basis. The aim is to provide as complete an overview as possible of all public charging stations in Switzerland. In principle, the data may be used freely, provided the source is mentioned. For commercial use, permission must be obtained from the SFOE.

The measure of the same name within the framework of the Roadmap Electromobility 2022 is thus fulfilled. DIEMO also creates an important data basis for the development of multimodal mobility services (combination of different modes of transport). It is part of the Federal Council's plan of measures to promote multimodal mobility services. Multimodal mobility contributes to smarter mobility behaviour and thus supports the implementation of the "Digital Switzerland" strategy. DIEMO is also part of the advisory services offered by SwissEnergy.


End 2027


Swiss Federal Office of Energy


Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications


Federal Office of Topography



Public authorities promote and operate reliable and resilient physical as well as digital infrastructures.

*OGD: Updated in May of the reporting year, adjusted for double counts.