Roadmap Digitisation in Parliament

Implementation of Motion 17.4026, S. Frehner:

"The administrative delegation is instructed to press ahead with the digitisation of the Council and committee operations and to issue the parliamentary services with the necessary mandates for this. The parliamentary services shall submit an implementation plan with deadlines and a budget to the administrative delegation. The security of data processing shall be guaranteed at all times. As soon as adequate electronic processing options are available, the administrative delegation shall decide to dispense with the corresponding paper documents.

The digitalisation of parliamentary work enables the dematerialisation of documents, i.e. they no longer exist physically. The information is stored in databases that the councillor can access from anywhere (at home, at work, on the train, on the road, in parliament, etc.). In addition to the aspect of delocalisation of information, there is also the temporal independence, because the information is available at any time, even at night. Thanks to data aggregation, it is also easier to search for and view data on a specific topic. In this way, information can be accessed in a structured way in a single working environment.

Digitisation contributes to sustainability by eliminating the need for paper; it enables access to data regardless of location and time, as well as easier and more efficient searching and sharing of information.

To be successful, digitisation must strive for standardisation of systems and enable personalisation of content.


Start 2018
End 2023


Parliamentary Services


The basis modules and infrastructure for a country-wide expansion of the digital administration are available nationally



Public authorities promote and operate reliable and resilient physical as well as digital infrastructures.

*OGD: Updated in May of the reporting year, adjusted for double counts.