Transportation network CH
A national geodata infrastructure for transport and mobility is being set up as part of Switzerland's future mobility data infrastructure (MODI).
The measure will make the following improvements: Networking and exchange of spatial data on mobility and transport infrastructure. It primarily aims to create a ‘translation aid’ between different perspectives (specialised data) on mobility and transport infrastructure.
Today it is not (yet) possible to link spatial data on mobility and transport infrastructure in an efficient, highly automated and consistent manner. Transportation network CH closes this gap and enables network combinations regardless of which traffic networks (official data, OSM, TomTom, Here, ...) they are based on. Thanks to improved data networking, Transportation network CH makes an important contribution to efficient mobility and the efficient implementation of public-sector tasks in the transport and mobility sector.
It will achieve its purpose by creating a system (incl. data, tools, rules, coordination) for referencing and networking mobility data.
This advances Digital Switzerland because the specialised data on mobility and transport infrastructure can be used in combination, thereby better leveraging the investment in this data and its peripheral systems.
- Summer 2023: Start of realisation (based on FC decree of 2.2.22)
- 2026: Entry into force of MODIG legal basis, completion of project, commissioning of Transportation network CH
Further information
End | 2026 |
Mobility in Switzerland is intelligent, networked and efficient in all areas
Public authorities promote and operate reliable and resilient physical and digital infrastructure.