Further information
Here is further information to complement the Digital Switzerland Strategy:
Overview of further strategies
The Digital Switzerland Strategy provides a framework for further Federal Administration strategies in connection with digital transformation. It also contributes towards Switzerland's climate and environmental goals and the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the United Nations' 2030 Agenda. The following list provides an overview of the most important national and thematic strategies linked to the Digital Switzerland Strategy
- Digital Federal Administration Strategy
- Digital Public Services Switzerland Strategy
- eHealth Switzerland Strategy (not in EN)
- National Cyber Security Strategy
- National Strategy on Protecting Critical Infrastructures
- Sustainable Development Strategy
- 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- Digital Foreign Policy Strategy
- Swiss Geoinformation Strategy
- Open Government Data Strategy
- Cloud Strategy Bund
- ICT Strategies
- Federal data science strategy
- Legislaturplanung (not in EN)
- Verordnung über die Koordination der digitalen Transformation und die IKT-Lenkung in der Bundesverwaltung (not in EN)
- Kantonale Digitalisierungsstrategien (not in EN)
A broad network of stakeholders is involved in the ongoing development and implementation of the Digital Switzerland Strategy (umbrella strategy) and the abovementioned strategies. The following list is not exhaustive.
- Digital Switzerland advisory committee
- Federal Council Digitalisation and ICT Committee
- Federal Council Security
- Organisation of the Confederation in the area of cyber-risks
- Coordination and collaboration on sustainable development
- Implementation of eHealth Switzerland Strategy (not in EN)
- Data Science Competence Center
- Competence Network for Artificial Intelligence
- NRP 77 Digital Transformation
- Open Science - swissuniversities