Data room environment

This measure is intended to improve the work with environmental data in regard to data exchange, access and quality in Switzerland.

It primarily concerns the automation of existing processes, the creation of a central directory and simplified access to environmental data.

This is to be achieved by initiating various sub-projects within the FOEN to demonstrate different options for action and make them tangible in the form of prototypes (MVP). In addition, we offer internal support to make existing environmental data available more easily and quickly on the current LINDAS platform.

This benefits Digital Switzerland because we have explicitly stated in the Digital Switzerland Strategy 2023 that we intend to contribute to the achievement of Switzerland's climate and environmental goals.


  • Flexible data exchange
  • Catalogue of available environmental data
  • Easy access to current environmental data


Start 2023
End 2023


Federal Office for the Environment


Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications


Swiss Federal Archives
Federal Statistical Office


Switzerland's environmental data is interconnected in an intelligent, secure and efficient manner to support the achievement of Switzerland's climate and environmental goals.


Digital public services

Public authorities offer their services digitally as standard (digital first).