Federal administration personnel strategy 2020 - 2023 - gearing up for digitalisation
Digitalisation also represents a challenge for the federal administration in its function as an employer. It must overhaul and adapt its structures, systems and processes. Missions change; flexible interdisciplinary approaches are increasingly in demand. The changing ranges of tasks and professional profiles pose new demands on employees and managers.
In order to enable the federal administration to continue to attract and retain sufficient personnel and provide attractive working conditions in the future, the Federal Council is establishing the conditions necessary for this by means of the 2020 - 2023 personnel strategy. Only with efficient and motivated personnel can the federal administration fulfil its mission and provide an efficient and top-quality public service.
End | 2023 |
Switzerland is characterised by a high employment rate and good-quality working conditions
Framework conditions
Businesses and society can rely on a reliable and advantageous framework for the digital environment.