Framework conditions

Related measures

20 Measures (continously updated)

Charter community on the digitalisation of Swiss agriculture and food production

In conformity with the Digital Switzerland strategy, a dialogue on networking all stakeholder groups is being launched along with the charter. This dialogue is intended to nurture a shared awareness which promotes cooperation, to indicate areas where action is required and lastly to implement the strategy.

Swiss National Action Plan for Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information SNAP-EESSI

Digital information exchange between the social security agencies in Switzerland and EU/EFTA member states. Integration of the EU’s EESSI project in Switzerland.

Federal administration personnel strategy 2020 - 2023 - gearing up for digitalisation

Digitalisation also represents a challenge for the federal administration in its function as an employer. It must overhaul and adapt its structures, systems and processes. Missions change; flexible interdisciplinary approaches are increasingly in demand. The changing ranges of tasks and professional profiles pose new demands on employees and managers.…

eHealth Switzerland 2.0 Strategie

On 14 December 2018, the Federal Council adopted the eHealth 2.0 strategy. The eHealth Switzerland 2.0 strategy replaces the one adopted in 2007 and runs from 2018 to 2022. It was developed together with the cantons and implemented jointly with them. The strategy comprises the three fields of action "Promoting digitisation", "Coordinating digitisation"…

Participation in plurilateral WTO negotiations on e-commerce

The WTO provides an important legal and institutional framework for establishing global rules for digital trade in the longer term. Since May 2019, around 80 WTO members, including Switzerland, have been negotiating clarifications and additions to the WTO rules regarding digital trade as part of a plurilateral initiative (Joint Statement Initiative…

Support for the GovTech Global Partnership Programme

With SECO's support of the GovTech Global Partnership programme, Switzerland is making an important contribution to the international discussion on the future of the digital space and its governance, particularly with regard to optimised government service delivery and efficient and transparent governance. Specifically, through this initiative, it…

Digitisation in the World Bank Group

As a shareholder of the World Bank Group, Switzerland influences the frameworks, concepts and principles of the institution, including those relating to digitalisation. In this way, Switzerland makes an important contribution to the international discussion on how the World Bank Group can support countries in the positive and negative consequences…

National Data Management (NaDB)

The FSO's National Data Management Programme (NaDB) promotes common standards for the multiple use of data in public administration. The main aim is that people and businesses should only have to provide certain details to the authorities once (once only principle).

The measure supports the semantic interoperability of data. The primary…

Promotion of international data governance

This measure is intended to ensure that Switzerland advocates a comprehensive data policy discussion at the international level and contributes its principles and values.

While data policy discussions are already held at the international level, they tend to be highly specific to certain institutions and topics. There are no processes or…

Monitoring EU digital policy

The measure is intended to ensure that the Federal Council is informed about developments in EU digital policy and the consequences for Switzerland, and that it can take appropriate measures if necessary.

The primary goal is continual monitoring of legislation on digital policy in the EU. This will be supplemented with a detailed analysis…

Code of conduct for trustworthy data spaces

This measure is intended as a new data use concept capable of strengthening trust in data spaces, thus further promoting digital self-determination and the exchange of data.

Specifically, a voluntary code of conduct will be created for data space providers in Switzerland.

This will be accomplished by involving all relevant stakeholders…

Supplementation of Logib for payroll system creation

Experiences from the controls of equal pay in procurement and subsidies at the federal, cantonal and municipal levels have shown that companies "without a (transparent) pay system" have larger unexplained gender pay gaps than companies with systematised pay systems. Furthermore, studies based on data from the wage structure survey show that there…

Possible legislation on the secondary use of data

Motion 22.3890 instructs the Federal Council to create the basis in a framework legislation so that specific infrastructures for the secondary use of data in strategically relevant areas can be quickly initialised and established. This is intended to exploit the potential for reusing data while still complying with the principles of data protection…

AI layout

The Federal Council has examined the developments, opportunities and problems presented by artificial intelligence. It has tasked DETEC with presenting possible regulatory approaches to artificial intelligence by the end of 2024. All federal offices responsible for the relevant areas of law are to be involved.

The analysis will be based on…

Swiss Financial Innovation Desk (FIND)

In its report 'Digital finance: areas of action 2022+', the Federal Council sets out 12 areas of action with specific measures. The new Swiss Financial Innovation Desk (FIND) was established as one of these measures.

FIND actively facilitates dialogue between stakeholder groups such as financial institutions, consumers, vendors, innovative…

International regulatory analysis

The Federal Council is interested in the developments, opportunities and problems presented by artificial intelligence. It has tasked DETEC with presenting possible regulatory approaches to artificial intelligence by the end of 2024. This analysis of AI regulation in various countries around the world forms part of the basic analyses for this overview.…

Basic legal analysis

The Federal Council is interested in the developments, opportunities and problems presented by artificial intelligence. It has tasked DETEC and FDFA with presenting possible regulatory approaches to artificial intelligence by the end of 2024. The purpose of this legal analysis is to take stock of the situation and to examine the possible need to…

Sectoral analysis

At its meeting on 22 November 2023, the Federal Council asked DETEC and the FDFA to draw up an overview of possible regulatory approaches in the field of AI. This assessment must be presented by the end of 2024 at the latest. In particular, it will have to provide a brief overview of the regulatory needs already identified in certain sectors and…

Strategy for the use of AI systems in the Federal Administration

An ICT sub-strategy is being drawn up on behalf of the Federal Council in accordance with Art. 17 DTIO, which addresses the use of AI systems within the Federal Administration. The AI sub-strategy formulates the Federal Administration's requirements for the use of AI systems, defines the benefits and sets out guiding principles. Three fields of action…

Monitoring the impact of digitalisation on the labour market

The report analyses relevant developments on the labour market in connection with digitalisation since the last monitoring report from 2022.

In its labour market policy, the Federal Council pursues the goal of ensuring the highest possible labour market participation and a high quality of employment relationships. The monitoring report serves…

Related focus topic

Digitalisation-friendly legislation

Laws are designed in such a way that they encourage digitalisation instead of inhibiting it. Authorities at all federal levels conduct their business digitally whenever possible and wherever practical. If necessary, non-digital solutions are also offered.