Sectoral analysis

At its meeting on 22 November 2023, the Federal Council asked DETEC and the FDFA to draw up an overview of possible regulatory approaches in the field of AI. This assessment must be presented by the end of 2024 at the latest. In particular, it will have to provide a brief overview of the regulatory needs already identified in certain sectors and indicate the timetable for any work.

Until now, Switzerland has taken the view that any regulatory measures relating to AI should be taken in the sectors concerned. Amendments to existing sector-specific legislation are therefore the responsibility of the offices concerned. The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify regulatory activities in the various sectors. It also makes it possible to identify aspects of AI that could be addressed more specifically in the context of horizontal, i.e. cross-sectoral, regulation.

First and foremost, the aim is to provide an indication of how AI is regulated in the various sectors. This will be achieved through a review of the current situation, which should be available by the end of 2024.

The measure is useful for Digital Switzerland because it touches on the subject of AI.


Start 2024
End 2025


Federal Office of Communications


Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications


Switzerland is shaping the international discussion about the future of digital space and its governance


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