Georegisters for a digital Switzerland

In order to meet the needs of a digital society and a digital administration, georegisters are being created and used in a binding manner in digital processes. The introduction of georegisters will make it possible to modernise collaboration between the administration's geoinformation services, in particular between the federal government, the cantons and the communes. End users will have centralised access to geodata that is homogenous, complete throughout the country and up to date. This will enhance the use of official geoinformation in digital administrative processes.


Detailed concept, Q4 2024

Proposal to adapt the legal bases, Q1 2025

Consultation of the Offices, Q3 2025

Submission of the dossier to the Federal Council, Q4 2025

Further information


Start 2022
End 2025


Federal Office of Topography


Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport


The population and the economy can use digital methods to conduct their business with the authorities


Digital public services

Public authorities offer their services digitally as standard (digital first).