Information security and cyber security
Strengthening information security and cyber security for the whole of Switzerland
Information security will be strengthened in order to effectively protect Switzerland and its population. The focus is on raising awareness, applying protective measures in everyday life and ensuring that the Administration is ready to act in the event of an emergency or disaster. These security measures will also benefit cantonal and communal administrations. Furthermore, the new structures for information security and cyber security are to be established.
Lead: DDPS (National Cyber Security Centre and the State Secretariat for Security Policy)
Related measures
3 Measures (continously updated)
Security in the automated driving sector
One precondition for the operation of automated vehicles is that the risks in relation to cybersecurity can be minimised. This is achieved not least by means of preventive measures. Within the framework of this project, measures are being developed…
Promotion of Ethical Hacking
The goal is to introduce coordinated vulnerability disclosure in systems. This measure aims to enhance the security of hardware and software. The primary focus is on strengthening cybersecurity. This should be achieved by identifying security vulnerabilities…
Implementation of Mandatory Reporting for Cyberattacks
Cyberattacks on critical infrastructures must be reported. This measure aims to enable early warnings and threat assessments. The primary focus is on strengthening information exchange. This should be achieved by implementing the mandatory reporting…
Relevant domain
Security and trust
People in Switzerland can move around safely in the digital environment; privacy is protected.