Security and trust

Related measures

16 Measures (continously updated)

Advancement of democracy on the basis of digital self-determination

Establishment of an international network for the development of basic global conditions for technologies and innovations which allow people to make their data available for the common good, to cooperate in the building of economic and social ecosystems (including collective intelligence) and to participate independently in digital democracy in an…

Security in the automated driving sector

One precondition for the operation of automated vehicles is that the risks in relation to cybersecurity can be minimised. This is achieved not least by means of preventive measures. Within the framework of this project, measures are being developed for the prevention of, and recovery from, cybersecurity incidents (plans, organisation).

DaziT transformation programme

The DaziT program simplifies, optimizes and digitizes all customs, duty collection and control processes. This reduces regulatory costs for the economy and increases Switzerland's security.

Cyberdefence Campus+

Continuous development of the cyber defence (CYD) campus to the level of the national technical competence network for cyberdefence with universities and industry.

eGov signature validator

This measure aims to improve user trust and acceptance with respect to electronic official documents. The primary goal is to confirm to recipients that the official document is authentic and not a forgery. A signature validator from the federal government for use by authorities and private individuals will make it possible to verify the origin and…

Analytical work on digital sovereignty

Clarify terms and concepts, further determine Switzerland's degree of sovereignty and its strengths and vulnerabilities, and define work processes in relation to digital sovereignty.

Operational work streams on digital sovereignty

Continuation of the work streams in accordance with the Federal Council's decision of June 2021:

  1. Clarifying legal competencies in the Internet and, in particular, access rights to data.
  2. Dealing with the US CLOUD Act and the EU's proposal on e-evidence.
  3. Ensuring the inviolability of international organisations' data within…

Public participation in the discussion on digital sovereignty

The work on digital sovereignty is discussed with various external stakeholders.

National Action Plan on the Safety of Media Professionals

Working closely with the media sector to create a national action plan on the protection of journalists in Switzerland.

Many media professionals experience hostility and even hate speech online. This situation has only gotten worse during the COVID-19 pandemic. The action plan will therefore include measures to protect journalists from threats…

Monitoring AI guidelines

Monitoring how the Federal Administration’s AI guidelines (adopted by the Federal Council in November 2019) are applied and how up-to-date they are.

Considering the highly dynamic technology involved in AI, it is vital that the AI guidelines remain up-to-date and capable of being applied in practice. To this end, The Federal Office of Communications…

Stories from Everyday Digital Life

The measure is intended to provide people with an accessible introduction to potential dangers in everyday life online.

The Stories from Everyday Digital Life comic aims to reach children and youth, as well as the trusted adults in their lives who are supporting them as they go online. The stories follow the relatable Websters, a…

Stop Hate Speech: identifying online hate speech using algorithms and strengthening public discourse

The Stop Hate Speech project was launched in 2018 by alliance F, the umbrella organisation of Swiss women's organisations (phase 1). It combines civil society engagement with technical approaches to develop and implement effective means against online hate speech. Since 2020, the Immigration Policy Lab at ETH Zurich and the Digital Democracy…

SCION Internet infrastructure for high-availability data communications

The SCION secure internet architecture (Scalability, Control, and Isolation On Next-Generation Networks) has been in development at ETH Zurich since 2013 and has now reached an advanced state of development and maturity. SCION offers enhanced security, availability and performance for all networked systems and services. With a SCION connection from…

Related focus topic

Digital sovereignty

Switzerland examines which political, legal, economic and individual dependencies can be reduced in the digital world. These are weighed against the advantages of international openness and networking.