Swiss approach to regulating AI systems

By the end of 2024, the Confederation will draw up a proposal for a Swiss approach to the regulation of AI, taking into account developments in the sectors and at international level, particularly in the EU and the Council of Europe. The aim is to develop an approach in dialogue with all stakeholders that upholds human rights, democracy and the rule of law while promoting Switzerland’s capacity for innovation and growth.

Lead: Federal Office of Communications in cooperation with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Office of Justice and other federal agencies and bodies.


Federal Office of Communications

Related measures

7 Measures (continously updated)

Monitoring AI guidelines

Monitoring how the Federal Administration’s AI guidelines (adopted by the Federal Council in November 2019) are applied and how up-to-date they are.

Considering the highly dynamic technology involved in AI, it is vital that the AI guidelines…

Development of a proposal for the further development of coordination on artificial intelligence in the Federal Administration

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a key role in the digital transformation of all areas of society, business, science, education and research, as well as in public administration. At the same time, AI brings with it a wide range of challenges relating…

AI layout

The Federal Council has examined the developments, opportunities and problems presented by artificial intelligence. It has tasked DETEC with presenting possible regulatory approaches to artificial intelligence by the end of 2024. All federal offices…

International regulatory analysis

The Federal Council is interested in the developments, opportunities and problems presented by artificial intelligence. It has tasked DETEC with presenting possible regulatory approaches to artificial intelligence by the end of 2024. This analysis…

Basic legal analysis

The Federal Council is interested in the developments, opportunities and problems presented by artificial intelligence. It has tasked DETEC and FDFA with presenting possible regulatory approaches to artificial intelligence by the end of 2024. The purpose…

Sectoral analysis

At its meeting on 22 November 2023, the Federal Council asked DETEC and the FDFA to draw up an overview of possible regulatory approaches in the field of AI. This assessment must be presented by the end of 2024 at the latest. In particular, it will…

Strategy for the use of AI systems in the Federal Administration

An ICT sub-strategy is being drawn up on behalf of the Federal Council in accordance with Art. 17 DTIO, which addresses the use of AI systems within the Federal Administration. The AI sub-strategy formulates the Federal Administration's requirements…

Relevant domain

Framework conditions

Businesses and society can rely on a reliable and advantageous framework for the digital environment.